​Morning drop off on regular school days is between 7:30am-8:30am
Parents or caregivers can escort their child(ren) directly to their daycare room by 8:30am

Daycare goes outside promptly at 8:35am

Afternoon pick up is between 4:00pm-6:00m​​

Parent Resources - CWELCC information

Current Families

Summer camp registration is exclusive to our current families until March 21, 2025. 

Families with children going into grades 1-6 in September 2025 are required to register for 2 weeks of summer camp.

Registration will open to the community on April 3.  ​​

Register early to secure your preferred weeks!

Dates to Remember
March 10-14 – March Break.  Daycare Open.  Nursery School Closed
April 18-21 – HOLIDAY – Daycare & Nursery CLOSED
May 19 – HOLIDAY – Daycare & Nursery CLOSED
June 6 – PA Day – Daycare Open. Nursery school closed
June 30 – Daycare CLOSED for summer prep
​July 1 - HOLIDAY - Daycare Closed
July 2 - August 28- Jackman Daycare Summer Camp (closed August 4)
August 29 - Daycare CLOSED for fall prep